Crawl Tubes
Research shows that kids exercise differently than adults, often choosing activities that seem more like play than fitness. That’s why having crawl tubes as part of a play space is critical in getting kids moving, and most importantly, using their imaginations. They’re a perfect addition to any play space, since they can easily be added to an existing structure. Crawl tubes come in all shapes and sizes, from Ant Hills, Freestanding Worm Holes, to even tot-sized tubes, making them perfect for all ages and abilities.
Tube crawling is fun and physically challenging. By squirming on all fours, kids can use their imaginations to pretend they are bugs, soldiers or even use it to play hide-and-seek. Using their hands and knees to move through a crawl tube, kids are encouraged to use their core muscles, their legs, and upper arm strength to maneuver through the tube.
Crawl tubes not only promote gross motor development, but they improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills (like how to get out of them!), and provide opportunities for creativity, social interaction and overall physical fitness. A great playtime idea for a crawl tube is encouraging a game of hide and seek. This simple and classic game encourages children to use their critical thinking skills and how to work together as a team. Crawl tubes make a great hiding space and are sure to delight!
Explore crawl tubes for your playground!

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