Naturalized Playgrounds
The breeze through a child’s hair, the sun on their face and the excitement of playing on a naturalized playground is what the perfect memories are made out of. Naturalization adds immense value to play, since it enhances the benefits of playing and learning within the natural outdoor landscape.
Naturalized playgrounds promote active play by motivating children to engage in physical activity and integrating them into the natural landscape as part of the play experience. Research shows that a mix of the build environment along with nature get children and families to higher use as they expend energy and reach moderate to vigorous levels of activity on the recognizable play components and foster exploration, learning, loose part play and wildlife observation in the natural elements.
When designing a naturalized playground, it’s important to factor in what’s going on in nature. Think: the shade of trees, the walking distance to and from the playground, proper drainage for inevitable rain storms. By adding naturalized playgrounds to an already serene and beautiful outdoor area, children of all ages are encouraged to use their imaginations while enjoying time outside.
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