Canada's exclusive representatives for GameTime

Design Your Own Challenge Course

Challenge Courses - YOUR Way

Every community is unique. So are your health and wellness goals. When GameTime introduced the first-ever Challenge Course for public places, we designed three obstacle course styles so customers could select and install the right course based on their available space, budget and user age ranges.

With so many communities accepting the challenge to make family health and wellness a priority, it's important to make sure Challenge Course continues to be a destination for every generation. That's why GameTime has made it possible for you to design your own Challenge Course by mixing and matching any combination of course components. Plus, you can choose from more than 15 color options to make your Challenge Course unlike any other!

Tips for the Perfect Challenge Course:

Decide on Youth or Pro

Our youth components are designed for ages 5-12. Our pro components are for ages 13+. All equipment complies with recommendations outlined by the Canadian Standards Association.

Make It a Well-Rounded Course

Challenge Course components are organized into three categories based on their health benefit: strength, balance and speed and agility. When designing your course, make sure you incorporate equipment that satisfies all three categories, so users can get in a well-rounded workout.

Provide Instructions for Use

GameTime designs custom instructional signs so that your users have a clear understanding of how to navigate your Challenge Course including how to use the equipment and recommended age ranges.

Our design experts can help you put together a Challenge Course for your community. Please contact us using the form below.